Intact Genomics ElectroCompetent Agrobacterium Combo Pack is perfect for scientists who require multiple agrobacterium competent cell strains for their research. The ElectroCompetent Agrobacterium Combo Pack contains 3 50µl aliquots of GV3101, AGL1, EHA105 and LBA4404 along with pCambia and our proprietary Agro Recovery Media.
The GV3101 strain has a C58 chromosomal background with rifampicin resistance and the Ti plasmid pMP90 (pTiC58DT-DNA) with gentamicin resistance. The GV3101 Ti plasmid has the T-DNA region sequences deleted and transformation with a binary vector containing the missing T-region results in a functional T-DNA binary system that allows for transfer of genetic material into a host plant’s genome. Therefore, this system is often used for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of several dicots such as Arabidopsis thaliana, tobacco, potato, and monocots like corn.
The AGL1 strain has a C58 chromosomal background that carries an insertion mutation in its recA recombination gene which stabilizes recombinant plasmids. It also carries rifampicin and carbenicilin resistance in its genome for selection. AGL1 contains the Ti plasmid pTiBO542 from which the T-DNA region sequences have been deleted. Transformation with a binary vector containing the missing T-region results in a functional T-DNA binary system that allows for transfer of genetic material into a host plant’s genome. Therefore, this system is often used for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Arabidopsis thaliana as well as maize and other monocots.
The LBA4404 strain is useful for transgenic operations of tomatoes, tobacco and other plants. LBA4404 contains a rifampicin resistance gene (rif). LBA4404 strain also contains a octoprine-type Ti plasmid pAL4404 without self-transport function, which contains the vir gene.
The EHA105 strain is useful for transgenic operations of rice, tobacco and other plants. EHA105 contains a rifampicin resistance gene (rif). EHA105 strain also contains an amber basic Ti plasmid pEHA105 (pTiBo542DT-DNA) without self-transport function, which contains the vir gene.
StorageElectroComp Agrobacterium: -80 ºCpCAMBIA1391z control DNA: -20 ºCRecovery medium: 4 ºC
Quality ControlTransformation efficiency is tested by using the pCAMBIA1391z control DNA supplied with the kit and using the protocol in this manual. Transformation efficiency should be ≥1 x 107 CFU/µg pCAMBIA1391z DNA. Untransformed cells are tested for appropriate antibiotic sensitivity.
Please note, all agrobacterial strains are not well studied for antibiotic resistance and there are many agrobacterial strains. Therefore, it is the customer’s responsibility to make sure his/her vectors are compatible with the Agrobacterial strains if he/she uses an alternate antibiotic selection than kanamycin-selection.1290-24