Intact Genomics (ig®) DirectPlate™ Competent cells offer simple, fast, and robust results for your DNA transformation needs. DirectPlate™ DH5-Alpha chemically competent E. coli cells are a perfect choice for researchers looking to simplify their transformation workflow by eliminating heat shock, lengthy incubations, and time-consuming outgrowth procedures. Simply mix and directly plate! DirectPlate™ DH5-Alpha chemically competent E. coli cells provide higher transformation efficiency than any competitor‘s similar product and are suitable for high-efficiency transformation in a wide variety of applications such as cloning and sub-cloning.
Please find a video below displaying the convenience and capability of this product.
Competent cell type: Chemically competentDerivative of: DH5-AlphaSpecies: E. coliFormat: TubesTransformation efficiency: ≥1 x 108 – 109 cfu/µg pUC19 DNABlue/white screening: YesShipping condition: Dry ice
Reagents Needed for One Reaction
DirectPlate™ DH5-Alpha competent cell: 50 µlDNA (or pUC19 Control, 10 pg/µl): 1 µl
Storage of the DH5-Alpha Competent Cell
DirectPlate™ DH5-Alpha competent cells: -80 ºCpUC19 control DNA: -20 ºC
Φ80 Δ(lacZ)M15 fhuA2 Δ(argF-lacZ)U169 phoA glnV44 gyrA96 recA1 relA1 endA1 thi-1hsdR17
Quality Control
Transformation efficiency is tested by using the pUC19 control DNA supplied with the kit and using the high-efficiency transformation protocol. Transformation efficiency should be greater than 1×108 – 109 CFU/µg pUC19 DNA. Untransformed cells are tested for appropriate antibiotic sensitivity.
General Guidelines
Follow these guidelines when using DirectPlate™ DH5-Alpha chemically competent E. coli.
- Handle competent cells gently as they are highly sensitive to changes in temperature or mechanical lysis caused by pipetting.
- Thaw competent cells on ice, and transform cells immediately following thawing. After adding DNA, mix by gently pipetting up and down a few times. 1013-13 1013-36
Comparison Testing
Intact Genomics has performed extensive comparison testing to prove our DirectPlate™ DH5-Alpha chemically competent cells have the highest transformation efficiency on the market.
Additional experimental details are available upon request.1013-13 1013-36